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We’re taking off – welcome to 2022!

WEMA Glauchau starts the new year with inno­va­tions through­out its port­fo­lio. We offer you the opti­mal solu­tion for all your grind­ing tasks — whether in exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing, inter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing or com­plete machin­ing on our uni­ver­sal grind­ing machines. But we don’t just have a lot of new things to show in terms of hard­ware — our machines are also opti­mally pre­pared for dig­i­tal­iza­tion. With machine fin­ger­print­ing, smart ser­vice and remote mon­i­tor­ing, we opti­mize process inte­gra­tion, offer exactly the right ser­vice for the spe­cific usage pro­file of each WOTAN® machine and thus raise pre­ci­sion, ser­vice life and cost-effec­tive­ness to a new level. Please feel free to visit us in Glauchau or at the GRIND­ING HUB in Stuttgart.
