For more complex tasks, the S6U is a universal grinding machine for 4‑sided machining of all common workpiece sizes. The machine is equipped with variably fitting external and internal grinding units. The resulting machining work with just one clamping operation provides decisive efficiency and precision benefits.
Versatility is the key to conferring a major edge. Our technology enables machines to perform highly complex operations. At the same time, our efficient peripheral modules allow a flexible reaction to your individual production requirements. This allows you to reduce labour costs and production times.
We can also arrange the financing according to your general conditions.
Key Facts
- 4‑sided machining in one clamping operation
- Up to 3 swivel axes
- Machining of chuck and shaft-shaped parts (steady rest guided)
- Up to 4 insertable internal grinding tools (fixed on B2 axis) and 3 external grinding tools (fixed on B3 axis)
- up to 850 mm swing diameter and approx. 2,950 mm length which are tensioned overhung without additional support
- External grinding wheels with a maximum of 600mm diameter
- incl. intuitive WOP-TouchTM user interface
For #cylinders #cones #polygons #threads #eccentrics #grooves and much more
Our WOTAN® S3A is also suitable for smaller and lighter components.
without longitudinal adjustment
with longitudinal adjustment of the workpiece spindle headstock
820 mm
650/820 mm
1,450 mm
2,950/3,200 mm
650 kg
650/1,300 kg
620 mm
620 mm
900 mm
1,200 mm
800 mm
800 mm
2,000 mm
2,000 mm
- Revolver headstock/round table with up to 4 internal grinding spindles
- Fixed external grinding unit with a grinding wheel (30°, 45° or 90° towards the workpiece axis) or revolver with up to 3 grinding wheels
- Workpiece headstock with B axis
- Hydrostatic workpiece mandrel
- Workpiece spindle with high-resolution C‑axis
- Centre zero feeler
- Fixed and/or powered dressing tools
- Tool change system
- Pre-process measurement (to recognise the position of a part and set it to the zero point)
- Measuring during the process (ø measuring and control operation during the grinding operation)
- Post-process measurement (to establish the ø, check the distances, set a new zero point, etc.)
- Coolant treatment
- Suctions
- Engine cooling
- Remote maintenance
- and much more