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The new WOTAN® S3I is the ideal machine for high-pre­ci­sion and uni­ver­sal inter­nal grind­ing up to 400 mm in diam­e­ter and 450 mm in length. In addi­tion to clamped work­pieces, it is also pos­si­ble to machine com­po­nents which, due to their geom­e­try, must also be guided in a steady rest.

With our new ‘small’ inter­nal grind­ing machine, we are focus­ing even more con­sis­tently on pre­ci­sion and opti­mized processes. A solid gran­ite bed ensures unprece­dented pre­ci­sion, while lin­ear motors and hydro­sta­tic guid­ings guar­an­tee min­i­mum tol­er­ances in the long term. Up to 4 grind­ing tools, in-process mea­sure­ment, optional exter­nal grind­ing and other mod­ules reduce cost-inten­sive non-pro­duc­tive times.

You ben­e­fit from max­i­mum pre­ci­sion with shorter cycle times, higher through­puts and more happy customers.

Key Facts

  • Machin­ing of chuck and shaft-shaped parts (steady-rest guided)
  • Inter­nal cylinder/​ cone, inter­nal poly­gons, inter­nal screw threads and more
  • Up to 4 applic­a­ble inter­nal grind­ing tools (fixed on B2 axis)
  • High rigid­ity through the use of cast beds / Hydropol beds
  • WOP-TouchTM user interface

For #cylin­der #taper #poly­gon #thread #eccen­tric

For some­what larger com­po­nents, our WOTAN® S6I is also suit­able. For even more machin­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties we offer the uni­ver­sal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machines WOTAN® S3U and WOTAN® S6U.


Inter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machine for small and medium-sized com­po­nents with flex­i­ble machine con­cept for max­i­mum eco­nomic efficiency.

with­out lon­gi­tu­di­nal adjustment

max. Umlaufdurchmesser

400 mm


450 mm


400 kg


350 mm


400 mm

Axis speed

0–15.000 mm/​min

Tool round table

Direct drive/​ exter­nal drive with 0.00005°
With up to 4 tool positions

Work­piece man­drel drive

Rolling bear­ing, belt drive with­out mea­sur­ing system
Rolling bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis
Hydro­sta­tic bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis


  • Revolver head­stock with up to 4 inter­nal grind­ing mandrels
  • Work­piece head­stock with B axis
  • Work head­stock with high res­o­lu­tion C‑axis
  • Cen­tre-zero feeler
  • Fixed and/​or pow­ered dress­ing tools
  • Pre-process mea­sure­ment (detect posi­tion of part and set zero point)
  • Post-process mea­sure­ment (deter­mine ø, check dis­tances, set new zero point, etc.)
  • Coolant prepa­ra­tion
  • Suc­tions
  • Motor cool­ing
  • Remote main­te­nance
  • and much more