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Internal grinding machines

Our machines for inter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing are leg­endary — they enable the machin­ing of com­po­nents with bores up to 1,200 mm deep, 1.3 tons in weight and 1,200 mm in outer diam­e­ter with var­i­ous clamp­ing and drive forms as well as numer­ous options for closed-door machining.


Universal grinding machines

Our machines for uni­ver­sal machin­ing offer 4‑sided machin­ing in one clamp­ing for parts up to 1.3 tons and 3.2 m in length. Inte­grated mea­sur­ing sys­tems and tool chang­ers with more than 50 places make them the ‘Schweitzer knife’ of grind­ing machining.


External grinding machines

With our uni­ver­sal machines for exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing, you can machine work­pieces rang­ing from handy com­po­nents up to 5 meters in length and 5 tons in weight. Our smart machine con­cepts also allow inter­nal grind­ing and fur­ther pro­cess­ing in one clamping.

Financ­ing, hire-pur­chase, leas­ing, sub­si­dies – our financ­ing offers take into account your indi­vid­ual busi­ness conditions.

Take the oppor­tu­nity to get WOTAN® cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machines quickly and at par­tic­u­larly attrac­tive con­di­tions. Our ‘used’ machines are in absolute top shape – always opti­mally main­tained they are as good as new!

The way to your individual, workpiece-optimized grinding machine:

Your cus­tomer inquiry

Pre­cise dis­cus­sion of your require­ments and indi­vid­ual offer

Cus­tom Con­fig­u­ra­tion & Construction


Qual­ity control

Test grind­ing and machine pre-acceptance

Deliv­ery & Assembly

Train­ing & Instruction

Maximum precision through machining in one clamping!

Perfect machines

We accom­pany you on the com­plete way of your WOTAN® grind­ing machine – start­ing with an indi­vid­ual offer of the most suit­able machine equip­ment for you, sup­port with financ­ing and sub­si­dies up to the suc­cess­ful han­dover and the asso­ci­ated com­pre­hen­sive oper­a­tor training.

Perfect Operation

You can oper­ate our own, touch-opti­mized WoP user inter­face with­out CNC knowl­edge and also remotely.

Perfect Customer Service

We are always there for you while you use of our machine.

You can find more infor­ma­tion in our brochure: (PDF, 4MB)
