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With our exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machines, you can grind not only small, but also par­tic­u­larly large, long and heavy parts to the µm. A wide range of expan­sion options allows max­i­mum pre­ci­sion in one clamp­ing and per­fect inte­gra­tion into auto­mated pro­duc­tion processes.

Service from one hand

Our machines are opti­mally cus­tomized for your grind­ing tasks and our financ­ing options allow us to meet your busi­ness needs.

Key Facts

  • Long parts of up to 5,000 kg with exter­nal lengths of Ø600mm and 5,000 mm
  • Grind­ing wheels‑Ø 500, 600 and 750 mm
  • Grind­ing wheels widths of up to 250 mm

Always on board is our inno­v­a­tive WOP-Touch™ user inter­face for intu­itive oper­a­tion directly on the machine or remotely.

#rail­way axles #rollers #pipes #shafts



Com­pact and cost-effec­tive CNC exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machine for light and small components

WOTAN® S3A Familie

WOTAN® S3A Series

Com­pact, cost-effec­tive and uni­ver­sal CNC exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machine for light and medium com­po­nents in three sizes for dif­fer­ent work­piece lengths.



Highly flex­i­ble, uni­ver­sally expand­able CNC exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machine for heavy and heav­i­est com­po­nents of great length


175 mm

225/275 mm

350 mm


600 mm

1.000 / 1.600 mm

3.000 / 5.000 mm


100 kg

600 kg

1.500 / 5.000 kg


600 mm

1.000 / 1.600 mm

2.700 / 3.000 / 5.000 mm

Axis speed

0–20,000 mm/​min

0–20,000 mm/​min

0–15,000 mm/​min

Round Tool Table

Direct drive/​ Worm drive with 0,00005°

with up to 4 tool positions

Work­piece man­drel drive

Rolling bear­ing, belt drive with­out mea­sur­ing system
Rolling bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis
Hydro­sta­tic bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis

Rolling bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis


  • Pre-process mea­sure­ment (to recog­nise part’s posi­tion and set zero point)
  • In-process mea­sure­ment (Ø mea­sur­ing and reg­u­lat­ing dur­ing the grind­ing process)
  • Post-process (estab­lishes Ø, checks dis­tances, sets new zero point, etc.)
  • up to hydro­dy­namic and hydro­sta­tic guides
  • Roller bear­ing and hydro­sta­t­i­cally sup­ported grind­ing mandrels
  • Stand­ing and rotat­ing grind­ing dressers
  • With and with­out a round machine table
  • Inter­nal grind­ing with inter­nal grind­ing spin­dles possible
  • Coolant treat­ment
  • Engine cool­ing
  • Suc­tion systems
  • Remote main­te­nance
  • and much more